
Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Supreme Court's Style Guide Now Available

You may be interested in this article from "Supreme Court's Style Manual is Private No More"

Jack Metzler, a patron at the U.S. Supreme Court Law Library, scanned the U.S. Supreme Court's Style Manual and is now selling it on Amazon. He's making a profit too (public domain?). Here are a couple selections from the article:
The manual, prepared by the office of the court’s Reporter of Decisions, states explicitly that it is “the property of the Supreme Court of the United States and is not for publication. It is intended solely for the use of the staff of the Court, and copies should not be distributed except to members of that staff.”
“I don’t have a confidential source,” Metzler said. Instead, he went to the court’s library, which is open to members of the Supreme Court bar like him as well as court staff and certain congressional and executive branch employees. He was given a copy—unnumbered—of the 2013 version of the manual, which he then photocopied.
This brings up a difficult collection development question for law libraries. I vote against.

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