
Monday, April 22, 2019

Presidents on Earth Day

Today President Trump issued a statement celebrating Earth Day, commenting on America's beautiful scenery and the link between environmental protection and economic prosperity.

photo of White House
Photo credit:

Visit The American Presidency Project, hosted by UC Santa Barbara, to sample other presidential statements. Note that the search syntax is case sensitive: searching for "earth day" won't pick up documents with "Earth Day." You can include other words in your search. For example, I found some of the following when I searched for "Earth Day" and climate:

  • President Nixon proclaimed Earth Week 1974 with a caution that "our land is finite and that our waters and air must be used . . . with care and respect for their value."
  • In January 1990, President George H.W. Bush mentioned Earth Day and also announced a plan to host "an international conference on climate change."
  • In President Clinton's Earth Day remarks in 1993 he said that the United States "must take the lead in addressing the challenge of global warming."
  • President Obama's last Earth Day proclamation, in 2016, devoted several paragraphs to climate change. "Human activity is disrupting the climate, and the challenge of combating climate change is one that will define the contours of our time."
Try out some searches of your own!

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