
Friday, March 6, 2020

Teaching in the Time of a Shut-Down for #COVID-19

To reduce the risk of spreading infection, Provost Mark Richards announced today that UW classes will be offered online only for the rest of the quarter, starting Monday. Keep up with UW coronavirus news. If you haven't gotten around to it, now might be a good time to sign up for UW Alerts

Of course, many faculty members are not used to teaching online, so there might be a few bumps in the road. Yesterday, Inside Higher Education posted Ensuring Instructional Continuity in a Potential Pandemic, with some tips for faculty who are new to online instruction.

We've pulled together some more tips for online teaching on our faculty and staff services page. Our faculty is getting the link directly, but we're posting here as well, in case people outside UW Law find themselves needing a very quick introduction to distance ed.

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