
Monday, April 5, 2021

Try out Our National Library Week Puzzle Pack!

To celebrate National Library Week this year, our team has created a puzzle pack for you.  It has a variety of puzzles in favorite genres, including word search, crossword, and Jumble. (Don't be surprised if you see a hint of law library here and there in the puzzles.)

UW Law students: You can enter for a prize drawing we'll hold next Monday. Tell us what program you're in (JD, LLM, MJ, or PhD) and which puzzles you complete. You could win!

But the fun doesn't stop with a puzzle pack! Join us for a trivia game Friday afternoon at 3 pm. Details to come.

By the way, last year's National Library Week included a series of online escape rooms--look for them under this year's National Library Week info.

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