
Saturday, November 6, 2021

National Bison Day

Today is National Bison Day (S. Res. 441). It comes around on the first Saturday of November. Hats off to our National Mammal (Pub. L. 114-152)!

 American Bison, by Pelck's Scenic & Art Studio, circa 1906.
Source: Library of Congress

It's appropriate that National Bison Day falls during Native American Heritage Month because bison were and remain important to many tribes. 

To learn more about bison, see Andrew C. Isenberg, The Destruction of the Bison: An Environmental History, 1750-1920 (2000), available to UW users as either an ebook or a print book

What about bison and the law? Here's a selection of law review articles:

  • William Holland, Note, The Spirit of the Buffalo: The Past and Future of an American Plains Icon, 21 Animal L. 151 (2014) [HeinOnline]

  • Dean Lueck, The Extermination and Conservation of the American Bison, 31 J. Legal Stud. S609 (2002) [HeinOnline]

  • Erin Patrick Lyons, Note, Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Roam: The Case in Favor of the Management-Function Transfer of the National Bison Range to the Conferederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation, 8 J. Gender Race & Just. 711 (2005) [HeinOnline]

  • Peter Morrisette, Is There Room for Free-Roaming Bison in Greater Yellowstone?, 27 Ecology L.Q. 467 (2000) [HeinOnline]

  • Temple Stoellinger et al., Where the Deer and the Antelope Play: Conserving Big Game Migrations as an Endangered Phenomena,  31 Duke Env't L. & Pol'y F. 81 (2020) [HeinOnline]

(You might wonder why I link to HeinOnline, when you can also look up law review articles in Lexis or Westlaw. In fact, I did use Westlaw to find these articles--but I like HeinOnline's PDFs. Unlike Lexis and Westlaw, that are licensed only to UW Law users, HeinOnline is available to anyone at the UW.)

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