
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Research Tribal Court Caselaw

Most legal scholarship focuses on federal and state law, with perhaps a quick nod to local government law. But what about the law of the 574 federally recognized tribal governments? 

Prof. Elizabeth A. Reese (Stanford Law) makes a persuasive plea for moving tribal law into the mainstream of American legal study in The Other American Law, 73 Stan. L. Rev. 555 (2021).  

UW Law has been taking tribal law seriously for a long time, notably through the work of the Tribal Court Public Defense Clinic and the Native American Law Center

But how are you going to study tribal law (or anything else?) if you can't find it? That's where your library can help. We have a research guide on Indian & Tribal Law. And in the last two weeks we've been updating the section on tribal court decisions, complete with a new video posted today.

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