
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

First Washington Women in Government

To start off your celebration of Women's History Month you might visit the Secretary of State's online exhibit, Moving Forward Looking Back: Washington's First Women in Government.  

There you'll find profiles of the first women to serve as state representatives, state senator, Superintendent of Public Instruction, mayor of Seattle, Washington Secretary of State, U.S. representative, governor, senate majority leader, Washington Supreme Court justice, Commissioner of Public Lands, Insurance Commissioner, Washington State Attorney General, and U.S. Senator.

black & white photo of white woman with broad-brimmed hat with feathers
Bertha Knight Landes, mayor of Seattle, 1926-28,
from Moving Forward Looking Back

Guess which woman in that list was a graduate of UW Law? Hint: it's not Bertha Landes, the first woman to be mayor of Seattle (although Jenny Durkan, the second woman to serve, elected 91 years later, is a UW Law grad).

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