
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Law in Peepular Culture

Ah, April! That magical month when the ABA Journal sponsors the Peeps in Law diorama contest. In this third annual contest, the Journal received 40 submissions, which have now been winnowed down to the top eight. Readers (you are included) are asked to vote for their favorite by noon on April 19. The top two diorama artists win $150 and $100, respectively, in Peeps memorabilia from Just Born, the maker of Peeps.

If you would like to view all forty dioramas, go to the Peeps Gallery. There you will find such legal depictions as a skydiver's Peepsumption of the risk, Matthew McConaughPeep in the Lincoln Lawyer, a day in the life of a Peeplic Defender, and a case involving zombie Peeps.

The Peeps in Law contest typically starts in early March. Contestants submit a photograph of their diorama, including its title and a short (no more than 150 words) description. Refer to this ABA Journal article for information about the 2011 contest.

This year the ABA Journal visited the Peeps team during its tour of cities in the Northeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic. The Journal article describes the Peepster, a bright yellow VW topped with a yellow Peep and the crowds that greeted it. For pictures from the tour, visit the Random Acts of Sweetness website.

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