
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Librarians: Masters of the Universe

That headline is almost the headline from an article by CNN librarian Kerith Page McFadden in honor of National Library Week. It is chock full of fascinating tidbits about librarians. For instance, both Casanova and Mao Zedong were librarians. That led me to wonder - what is the true core of a librarian - passionate lover or ruthless dictator?

According to the article, the American Library Association reports that the nation's public and academic librarians answered almost 5.7 million questions each week in 2010. So, remember that we here in the Gallagher Law Library welcome your questions: stop by the reference office, call at 543-6794, or email us for help. With your help, those statistics could reach 6 million questions per week in 2011!

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