
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Penn Law Symposium Poster Angers Louis Vuitton

Angelina would be mortified…maybe.

Penn Intellectual Property Group is presenting their Annual Symposium on Fashion Law this month and has released a poster/flyer seen below.

Louis Vuitton’s Director of Civil Enforcement, Michael Pantalony, did not take kindly to the print used in the poster and sent this letter to Penn Law Dean Michael Fitts.

The University of Pennsylvania’s associate general counsel, Robert Firestone responded with this letter, where he disagreed with Pantalony’s allegation that the poster infringes Louis Vuitton’s trademarks and also graciously extended an invitation for Pantalony to attend the symposium.

The National Law Journal’s Sheri Qualters covered the disagreement between Louis Vuitton and Penn Law in this article along with comments from intellectual property and trademark experts.

If all this conflict or studying for finals has whirled you into a frenzy and you need some retail therapy, visit the Louis Vuitton website for some online shopping.

Photo Credit: Louis Vuitton/ Annie Leibovitz taken from the

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