
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spinelli's Law Librarian's Reference Shelf Now Available in HeinOnline

Spinelli's Law Librarian's Reference Shelf on HeinOnline
Spinelli’s Law Librarian’s Reference Shelf from HeinOnline is a new digital library that organizes tools and reference materials for law librarians into one central collection.

Although designed with law librarians in mind, Spinelli’s offers many resources that are useful for law faculty and students as well, including:

Legal Dictionaries: More than one hundred legal dictionaries, including classics like Bouvier’s Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia (1914) and interesting specialized dictionaries like Criminal Slang: The Vernacular of the Underworld Lingo (2003).

Legal Research Guides: A wide range of topics, such as Federal Income Tax Law and Environmental Crimes and Corporate Responsibility. The collection also includes unique guides that you are unlikely to find elsewhere, such as the Legal Research Guide to American Thoroughbred Racing Law for Scholars, Practitioners and Participants.

Legal Bibliographies: An assortment of bibliographies like the Guide to American Law Institute Publications and Recommended Publications for Legal Research.

Searching these resources is straightforward--you can search text or narrow your focus by choosing a specific topic like Legal Dictionaries or Bibliographies.

Like all of the other collections on HeinOnline, Spinelli's Law Librarian's Reference Shelf is restricted to University of Washington faculty, students, and staff and to other users who visit one of the UW Libraries.

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