
Friday, April 11, 2014

Vote for your Favorite 2014 Peeps in Law Diorama!

Voting is open for the ABA's annual Peeps in Law contest!  You have until 11:59 p.m. April 21 to vote for your favorite diorama.

And who can forget this masterpiece from our own Peeps contest last year?  You can see past winners here and here.  Enjoy!

(Photo credit: Fernando Gonzalez; Peep placement by Anna Endter)

1 comment:

  1. A lawyer submitted a diorama depicting a firm's position in a legal malpractice case in which his mother was the plaintiff. The ABA declined to post it. The lawyer wasn't pleased. See
    Lawyer Threatens Stupid Lawsuit Over Stupid Rule Interpretation for Stupid Entry in Stupid Contest
    , Lawyerist, April 13, 2014. True, the ABA didn't say that litigants or their close relatives shouldn't enter the contest, but is a diorama really the best way to advance a position in a pending case?
