If you came to law school without taking economics (or if your memory is dim), you might be confused by references to the Coase Theorem, marginal utility, the Prisoner's Dilemma, and other economic concepts thrown around in law school classes and law review articles.
Good news: The Cartoon Introduction to Economics: Volume One: Microeconomics can give you a quick introduction (or review). The presentation is lighthearted, but the content is solid.
The author is Yoram Bauman, who teaches in the UW's Program on the Environment. In addition to doing some very serious work on the economics of climate change, Dr. Bauman is also "the world's first and only stand-up economist." For the book he teamed up with cartoonist Grady Klein, who provided droll images to make the economic concepts understandable and memorable.
You can view a sample of the book here or check out the book from the library: HB172 .K67 2010 v.1 at Good Reads.