The Department of Defense has a webpage devoted to Don't Ask Don't Tell, with links to the Report of the Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (Nov. 30, 2010) as well as press releases, transcripts, and videos of officials' testimony about the issue.
But wait ... there's more!
The Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford hosts a digital project with a wealth of original sources related to all aspects of the policy (and its predecessor policies). Don't Ask Don't Tell Don't Pursue has
- statutes and regulations
- litigation materials (opinions and, sometimes, briefs or pleadings)
- hearing
- commentary
- materials on the Solomon Act
- links to other web resources

One of the most recent cases is local: Witt v. United States (W.D. Wash. Sept. 24, 2010) (Leighton, J.). The Stanford site has both the memorandum opinion and the findings of fact and conclusion of law, ordering the Air Force to restore Major Margaret Witt to her position as flight nurse, subject to her meeting the qualifications for service. Many more documents (including pleadings and declarations) are available from the ACLU of Washington. See also Lesbian Flight Nurse Gets Ready To Return To Air Force, KUOW, Dec. 1, 2010.

For more on the topic:
- Nathaniel Frank, Unfriendly Fire: How the Gay Ban Undermines the Military and Weakens America, UB418.G38 F73 2009 at Classified Stacks
- Randy Shilts, Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Military: Vietnam to the Persion Gulf, UB418.G38 S55 1993 at Classified Stacks. Despite the subtitle, this bestseller has some material going back much earlier than Vietnam, including even the Revolutionary War.
- For dozens of works on the topic -- including books, DVDs, government reports, and websites, see this list. Almost everything in the list is available on campus, either in the Gallagher Law Library or in other libraries; a couple of works are available through Summit.
- Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who testified for repeal on Dec. 2, 2010.
- Major Margaret Witt from ACLU-WA press release, Air Force Major Dismissed Under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Looks Ahead to Rejoining the Military, Nov. 30, 2010.
- Conduct Unbecoming cover.
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