- Be a Good Listener
- Be an Active Participant in Your Career
- Understand the Time Value of Money
- Understand the Money Value of Time
- Don't Try to be the Smartest Person in Every Room
- Comport Yourself in a Professional Manner
- Write More and Write Less
- Treat Every E-Mail as if It will be in the New York Times
- When You're Done, You're Done
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Ten Tips for a Successful Transition from Law School to Law Practice
Monday, June 27, 2011
Advice for Entering Students
Of course, Ms. Mattern isn't the only person offering advice to new law students. Here is a selection from the past few years:
- Paul Caron, Advice for Incoming 1Ls, TaxProf Blog, Sept. 3, 2007 (links to half a dozen posts by Jeffrey Toobin, Scott Turow, and others)
- David S. Cohen, Advice for Feminist 1Ls, Feminist Law Professors, Oct. 22, 2007
- Michael Dorf, Welcome 1Ls, Dorf on Law, Aug. 24, 2009
- Einer Elhauge, Is 1L One Hell? Advice from a Law Professor, Harvard Law Record, Oct. 8, 2009
- Brandon Greene, Letter to a 0L ... Stay Focused on What Brought You Here, In Their Own Words: BU Law Student Blogs, April 2, 2011
- Paul Horwitz, More Advice to 1Ls, PrawfsBlawg, Aug. 18, 2008
- Amy Jarmon, Ten Tips for Preparing for Your 1L Year, Law School Academic Support Blog, May 19, 2011
- Orin Kerr, Advice for 1Ls: What If You Don't Know the Answer [when you're called on in class]?, Volokh Conspiracy, Aug. 26, 2008
- David Linhart, Letter to Brand New BU Law 1Ls, In Their Own Words: BU Law Student Blogs, April 10, 2011
- Dan Markel, Summer Reading Lists for Rising 1Ls PrawfsBlawg (a law professor blog), June 3, 2011 (read the comments, too)
- Daniel Solove, Advice for First Year Law Students: Practice Writing!, Concurring Opinions, Aug. 19, 2008
- Dean Spade, For Those Considering Law School ("a little summary of some of the things I often tell people who come to me because they are considering law school and want to know if it is a good route to making transformative change," blog post, Oct. 26, 2010)
- Ivy Swenson, Starting Law School this Fall? Advice for Pre-1Ls, Lawyerist, Aug. 7, 2010
- Lesley Wexler, Once and Future 1Ls, PrawfsBlawg, Aug. 18, 2008
- What I Learned in Law School - 1L Year, Woman of the Law, May 17, 2005
- Advice for 1L's from Prof. Douglas McFarland, Aug. 16, 2006
- Preparing to Study Torts, by Prof. Ron Eades, Aug. 10, 2006
- Study Advice from Professors for Incoming 1L's, Aug. 10, 2006
New Access to Westlaw Japan
Please let me know if you have questions.
Rob Britt
Coordinator of East Asian Library Services
Gallagher Law Library
W.H. Gates Hall Room L138
*Click here for more information about Westlaw Japan, in Japanese. In short, the product includes impressive numbers of cases, statutes, and indexes to journal articles and newspapers, in a convenient format. Westlaw Japan is entirely in Japanese. There are over 220,000 cases (including pre-war cases), over 90% of which are either in full text or include summaries. Also, there are some full text case interpretation publications such as Jurisuto electronic edition じゅりスト電子版, Hanrei hyakusen 判例百選, and Hogaku kyoshitsu 法学教室.
Advice for New Associates
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tips for Summer Success
Mr. Auriemma is talking about asking questions of your supervisor, which is very good. Remember that you can also ask questions of reference librarians, who can point you to good sources and make your research more effective. Talk to the librarians at your own place of employment, the local public law library (e.g., Public Law Library of King County), or law school libraries. We at the Gallagher Law Library are happy to answer our students' questions, wherever they are, and we're also open to the public. Check out our AskUs! link.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Periodic Table of New Deal Programs
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Periodic Table of Franklin D. Rooselvelt's Programs |
Friday, June 17, 2011
Ergonomic Tips for Computers and Mobile Devices
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Take a Break with Summer Reading
Law students, with exams behind you, be sure and take a break from your studies and consider enjoying some leisurely summer reading.
Need some suggestions? The Suggested Reading List for Prospective & Current Law Students offers some reading picks. There is something for everyone here, whether you are interested in prizewinning books related to law, literary fiction, biographies and autobiographies, history, or perhaps noteworthy cases. Many of the books on the list were suggested by the Admissions Office. Others have been added at the suggestion of library staff, faculty, or others in the law school community. The list is not required reading.
The list includes links which will take you into the Gallagher Law Library catalog, where you can learn more about each title, including in which libraries it is held.
Not in Seattle this summer? Click on the link under WorldCat, "Worldwide libraries own this item," to find out whether a library in your location owns a particular title.
The only rule of summer reading? Simply enjoy it!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Pentagon Papers All Online
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Photo: Joint Chiefs of Staff meet at the LBJ Ranch, 12/22/1964, ARC Identifier 192566 |
For more about the entire controversy and the Pentagon Papers case, New York Times v. United States, 403 U.S. 713, Justia (1971) (denying the government an injunction against publication), see
- Pentagon Papers, Wikipedia (last modified June 14, 2011)
- David Rudenstine, The Day the Presses Stopped: A History of the Pentagon Papers Case (1996), KF228.N52 R84 1996 at Classified Stacks
- The New York Times Company v. United States: A Documentary History [of] the Pentagon Papers Litigation (James C. Goodale ed., 1971), KF228.N4 G6 v.2
- Peter Schrag, Test of Loyalty: Daniel Ellsberg and the Rituals of Secret Government (1974), KF224.E46 S37 at Classified Stacks
- Sanford J. Ungar, The Papers & the Papers: An Account of the Legal and Political Battle over the Pentagon Papers (1972), E855.U5 1972 at Classified Stacks
- Conscientious Action: The Revelation of the Pentagon Papers (Peter A. French ed., 1974), JC328.3.C65 at Classified Stacks
- Kenneth W. Salter, The Pentagon Papers Trial (1975), KF224.E46 S25 at Classified Stacks
- Neil Sheehan, The Pentagon Papers as Published by the New York Times (1971), E183.8.V5 P4 1971a at Classified Stacks
Monday, June 13, 2011
Miranda Anniversary
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U. S. 436, Justia, was decided 45 years ago today (June 13, 1966). For a quick summary and the oral arguments, see (or hear) the Oyez Project.
Here are some recent books discussing Miranda and its impact:
- Lawrence S. Wrightsman & Mary L. Pitman, The Miranda Ruling: Its Past, Present and Future (2010) (publisher's page)
- Gary L. Stuart, Miranda: The Story of America's Right to Remain Silent (2004) (publisher's page)
- G. Daniel Lassiter, Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment (2006) (publisher's page)
- Sara Catherine Benesh, The U.S. Court of Appeals and the Law of Confessions: Perspectives on the Hierarchy of Justice (2002)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Journal Search for Alumni Association Members
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Photo: "Magazines to read" by Longzero, used under a Creative Commons licnese |
If you are on campus or if you are a current student, staff member, or faculty member, you already have access to the related—and bigger—database, Academic Search Complete through the University Libraries.
Academic Search Alumni Edition includes many law journals, including U.S. standards (e.g., the ABA Journal and the Harvard Law Review) and a selection of journals from Europe. A search in the database will also pick up law-related articles in general-interest periodicals and journals from other disciplines.
The best way to get a sense of what you can find is to run some sample searches. For example, a search for "voir dire" turns up articles from:
- Federal Sentencing Reporter (indexing only)
- The Reporter (Air Force Office of the Judge Advocate General) (full text and PDF)
- Journal of Criminal Law (PDF)
- Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (indexing only)
- New York Times (indexing only)
- News Media & the Law (indexing only)
- American Lawyer (indexing only)
- Florida Bar Journal (indexing only)
- Georgetown Journal of Gender & the Law (indexing only)
- Review of Litigation (indexing only)
- Communication Monographs (indexing only)
- American Sociologist (indexing only)
- History Today (full text)
- Race & Class (indexing only)
- Brigham Young University Law Review (indexing only)
- Harvard Law Review (indexing only)
- European Journal of Migration & Law (indexing only)
- Botany (PDF) (study of moss flora)
- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (PDF) (sedimentary rocks)
- Fisheries Oceanography (PDF) (seal predation on salmon and forage fish schools)
- Outside (indexing only) (kayaking)
- Health (full text) (bike touring)
- American History (full text) (the Pig War)
- Pediatric Surgery International (indexing only)
- Nursing Economic$ (PDF)
- Health Affairs (indexing only)
- Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law (indexing only)
- Benefits Quarterly (PDF)
- JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine (PDF)
If you're not a member of the alumni association (you don't have to be a UW grad to join), remember to check out your local public library. Many public libraries make databases like this available to library card holders. For instance, Seattle Public Library lists its databases here.
Tips for iPad Security
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Videorecording Federal Courts
Update (June 10): One commentator rues the restrictions in the experiment (e.g., recording of only civil cases, and only cases where the parties consent): Sean Doherty, No Fly-on-the-Wall Effect From Cameras in U.S. District Courts, Law Technology News, June 10, 2011.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Digital Archives of Washington Law Review
If you are here in the Law Library, you might go to the Compact Stacks on L2, where you will find the bound volumes of the WLR.
If you aren't physically here in the Library, but you are a UW faculty, student, or staff member, you could click on the Off-Campus Access link on any UW library webpage, sign in with your UW Net ID and then cruise to HeinOnline, which has PDF images of virtually all US law school law reviews, including the Washington Law Review.
But what if you aren't in the Law Library and no longer a UW student? Are

Thanks to the digital archives maintained by the Law Library, everyone can now find WLR articles going all the way back to volume 1, 1919.
Visit the "Issues" page of the Washington Law Review website and look for the digital.law icon on the right side of the screen. That's where you'll find the link to the digital archives.
Guess what? The Library also maintains a digital archive for the Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal!
Free Program on Legal Research
This free program is intended to help law students gear up their legal research skills for their summer jobs. Sessions will cover the following topics:
- legal research in the real world
- practice materials
- legislative history
- administrative law
Monday, June 6, 2011
Newspapers Mapped and Translated—Historic Papers, Too
Here's a story about it from The Atlantic's blog: Reading the World's Press, From Luxembourg to Djibouti - Jared Keller - Technology - The Atlantic, May 16, 2011.
To walk around in the past, click on the "Historical!" button. This takes you a map of past newspapers that are available on different sites. For instance, the San Francisco Call, 1895-1913 is available via Chronicling America, a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress. So is The Washington Socialist (Everett), 1914-15.
If you're even a little interested in current events or history, you can find a lot to browse from this website!
Changes in Library Hours after Exams
The Library will be closed Saturday - Tuesday, June 11 - 14.
The Library will be open on its interim schedule Wednesday - Friday, June 15 - 17: 8am - 5pm. The Reference Office will be open on those days from 9am - 12noon and from 1 - 5pm.
The Library will again be closed Saturday and Sunda, June 18 and 19.
When UW Law summer class begin on Monday, June 20, the Law Library and the Reference Office will be open on our summer schedule:
Monday - Wednesday
Thursday & Friday
Saturday: Closed
Saturday, June 4, 2011
30 Years of HIV/AIDS
In addition to this anniversary, HIV has also been in the news recently due to funding shortages in some states' AIDS Drug Assistance Programs or ADAPs. ADAPs were established by the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990, codified at 42 U.S.C. 300ff, et. seq., and the federal government provides the bulk of the funding. The recession has caused more patients to seek access to the program and some states have tightened eligibility criteria as a result, forcing more people to pay for treatment averaging over $11,000 per year out of pocket.
If you'd like more information about AIDS and the law, the Library has some books you may want to take a look at:
AIDS and the law / David W. Webber, editor, a comprehensive looseleaf treatise,
Legal aspects of AIDS / [edited] by Donald H.J. Hermann, William P. Schurgin, another comprehensive loose leaf treatise,
and AIDS law in a nutshell / by Robert M. Jarvis, a quick overview of AIDS Law.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
U.S. States and International and Foreign Law
Now a law professor offers a review of the legislative activity and its constitutional status:
Aaron Fellmeth, International Law and Foreign Laws in the U.S. State Legislatures, ASIL Insights, May 26, 2011.
See also our post, International Law and Sharia in Oklahoma (and Elsewhere), Nov. 8, 2010.