According to Seattle Times news librarian Gene Balk, Seattle may be the most dressed-down city in America AND Seattleites are the biggest binge drinkers in the Northwest. Be a proud Seattleite this Friday, don your comfy clothes* and dedicate a toast** to the inventors of Exam4.

*Before discarding the contents of your closet in favor of flannel and UGGs, keep in mind that you might need some of your less comfortable clothes for interviews and eventually for your working days. It may be hard to imagine a life after finals but there is one and it likely involves pressed pants, blazers and some form of footwear that is not lined in fleece.
**Before consuming the contents of your liquor cabinet, keep in mind that the CDC has identified major risks associated with binge drinking including but not limited to: unintentional injuries (e.g., car crashes, falls, burns, drowning), intentional injuries (e.g., firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence), alcohol poisoning, sexually transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancy... Has your buzz been sufficiently killed now?
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